Blog Archives - SLOT88: Situs Judi Slot Gacor & Situs Judi Online Terbaik No 1 Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:01:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Archives - SLOT88: Situs Judi Slot Gacor & Situs Judi Online Terbaik No 1 32 32 6 Contoh Kegiatan Foreign Direct Investment yang Dilakukan Indonesia Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:01:28 +0000 6 Contoh Kegiatan Foreign Direct Investment yang Dilakukan Indonesia – FDI merupakan kegiatan penanaman modal yang dilakukan oleh investor asing ke dalam negeri. Umumnya investasi yang dilakukan oleh beberapa negara ini berwujud penanaman modal dalam …

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6 Contoh Kegiatan Foreign Direct Investment yang Dilakukan Indonesia – FDI merupakan kegiatan penanaman modal yang dilakukan oleh investor asing ke dalam negeri. Umumnya investasi yang dilakukan oleh beberapa negara ini berwujud penanaman modal dalam jangka waktu panjang. Dengan begitu membuat FDI akan melibatkan lebih dari satu negara. Hal itulah yang terjadi dengan Indonesia di mana tanah air diketahui sudah melakukan kegiatan Foreign Direct Investment terhadap berbagai negara sejak lama. Kondisi itu bisa dibuktikan dari banyaknya perusahaan asing yang sudah ada di Indonesia.

6 Contoh Kegiatan Investasi Asing yang Dilakukan Indonesia

Tujuan utama mengapa Indonesia melakukan investasi asing dengan berbagai negara dikarenakan kegiatan ini terbukti bisa memberikan banyak manfaat bagi tanah air. Salah satu manfaatnya yaitu Indonesia bisa mendapatkan deviden dalam jumlah banyak sehingga perekonomian penduduk menjadi lebih baik. Adapun delapan contoh kegiatan investasi asing yang sudah dilakukan oleh Indonesia seperti berikut ini.

  • Perusahaan Pegatron

Negara pertama yang menjalin Foreign Direct Investment dengan Indonesia yaitu Taiwan. Bentuk investasi asing langsung dari Taiwan ini berupa mendirikan perusahaan sebagai pemasok komponen apel. Di mana perusahaan itu diberi nama dengan Pegatron. Diketahui perusahaan asal Taiwan itu sudah berkomitmen untuk melakukan investasi dana sebesar US$ 1,5 milyar yang akan direalisasikan dengan metode bertahap. Perlu diketahui bahwa perusahaan pemasok komponen Apple itu sudah membangun pabrik pertamanya di kawasan Asia tenggara tepatnya di kota Batam Indonesia. Untuk nama lengkap dari pabrik itu yakin Pegatron Tecnology Indonesia.

  • Hyundai

Bukti berikutnya jika Indonesia sudah melakukan investasi asing yaitu adanya pabrik Hyundai di tanah air. Hyundai sendiri merupakan sebuah produsen otomotif dari Korea Selatan yang diketahui telah memberikan investasinya dengan angka sebesar US$ 1,55 miliar untuk Indonesia. Investasi yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan itu dilaksanakan dengan dua tahap. Untuk tahap pertamanya dilakukan pada tahun 2021 yang kala itu produsen otomotif asal Korea Selatan tersebut lebih fokus terhadap pembangunan mobil di wilayah Cengkareng. Kemudian hasil dari produksi mobil itu 50% nya akan diekspor. Sementara investasi tahap keduanya dilaksanakan pada tahun 2020 hingga 2023. Pada tahap keduanya ini Hyundai akan lebih fokus dengan mengembangkan pabrik seperti pabrik transmisi, pembuatan pabrik listrik dan riset. Nantinya 70% dari total produksi pabrik itu akan diekspor.

6 Contoh Kegiatan Foreign Direct Investment yang Dilakukan Indonesia

  • Soft Bank

Beberapa waktu yang lalu direktur dari Soft Bank kembali menemui presiden Indonesia yakin Joko Widodo di istana merdeka. Dalam pertemuan itu direktur Soft Bank mengatakan jika dalam 3 tahun kedepan perusahaannya akan kembali melakukan kegiatan investasi dengan Indonesia. Diketahui besarnya investasi yang dilakukan oleh Soft Bank sekitar US$ 2 miliar. Sebelum melakukan kegiatan itu dulunya perusahaan telekomunikasi raksasa asal Jepang tersebut juga sudah pernah melakukan investasi dengan nominal yang sama. Nantinya kegiatan investasi itu akan dilaksanakan lewat grab dan perusahaan lainnya.

Namun sayangnya direktur Soft Bank tidak menyebutkan secara detail identitas perusahaan yang dimaksud. Dengan grab nantinya perusahaan Soft Bank akan mendirikan kantor pusat kedua di Indonesia. Selain itu perusahaan telekomunikasi terbesar asal Jepang tersebut juga digadang-gadang akan membangun ekosistem kendaraan listrik, stasiun pengisian ulang baterai dan lain-lain.

  • Perusahaan Group Listrik Shanghai

Contoh kegiatan investasi asing berikutnya yang sudah dilakukan Indonesia dengan negara lainnya yaitu Perusahaan Group Listrik Shanghai. Diketahui perusahaan Group Listrik Shanghai melakukan kegiatan investasi dengan mengeluarkan uang sebesar US$1,3 miliar. Uang itu nantinya digunakan untuk mengerjakan proyek pemerintah pembangkit listrik tenaga gas. Proyek pemerintah itu rencananya akan didirikan pada lahan dengan luas 50 hektar di semester 1/2020. Menurut kepala staf presiden Moeldoko proyek pemerintahan itu akan rampung pada tiga tahun. Diharapkan dengan adanya proyek itu Bali bisa mengantisipasi kebutuhan pada sektor elektrik. Hal itu dikarenakan ke depannya kebutuhan listrik akan terus mengalami peningkatan.

  • Power Environ

Tepatnya di bulan Oktober tahun 2019 yang lalu beberapa pebisnis Indonesia melakukan kontrak dagang dengan Jepang. Kontrak dagang yang dilakukan oleh kedua negara itu disebut joint venture. Salah satu jenis kontrak joint venture yang dilakukan oleh Jepang dan Indonesia yaitu PT Bintang Persero Sejati dengan Power Environ. Untuk nilai investasinya sendiri kedua negara tersebut sepakat jumlahnya sebesar US$ 180.000. Kemudian setelah keduanya setuju mereka langsung menandatangani MoU untuk membentuk perusahaan patungan pada bisnis cangkang sawit yang berpotensi bisa menghasilkan keuntungan perdagangan hingga US$ 3,75 juta per tahunnya pada 5 tahun pertama.

  • Amazon Webs Service

Contoh kegiatan Foreign Direct Investment yang dilakukan Indonesia yaitu Amazon Webs Service. Amazon Webs Service sendiri merupakan perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan komputasi awan asal negara Amerika Serikat. Perusahaan itu mengumumkan jika pihaknya berencana untuk melakukan kegiatan investasi dengan Indonesia. Untuk besarnya jumlah investasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan itu yakin US$ 35 triliun. Nilai investasi itu disebut-sebut menjadi yang terbesar pada sektor teknologi dan informasi di Indonesia. Direncanakan jika perusahaan penyedia layanan komputasi awam asal Amerika Serikat itu akan mendirikan 3 pangkalan data yang masing-masing dibangun di dua daerah. Untuk luasnya sendiri masing-masing daerah tersebut sekitar 20 hektar. Salah satunya nantinya akan dibangun di Karawang Jawa Barat.

Demikianlah ulasan singkat tentang contoh kegiatan Foreign Direct Investment yang dilakukan oleh Indonesia dengan beberapa negara tetangga. Dengan banyaknya negara yang melakukan kerjasama dengan Indonesia tentunya sebagai warga kita patut bangga. Hal itu dikarenakan semakin banyak jumlah perusahaan yang melakukan investasi maka devisa negara akan meningkat.

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Kemiripan Sistem Foreign Direct Investment Mon, 08 Aug 2022 02:37:43 +0000 Kemiripan Sistem Foreign Direct Investment – Dengan Konsep Taruhan Slot Online Terpercaya Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), merupakan istilah internasional untuk penenaman modal asing dari investor terhadap bisnis yang ada di lingkup ekonomi negara lain. Sistem …

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Kemiripan Sistem Foreign Direct Investment – Dengan Konsep Taruhan Slot Online Terpercaya Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), merupakan istilah internasional untuk penenaman modal asing dari investor terhadap bisnis yang ada di lingkup ekonomi negara lain.

Sistem dari FDI ini, ternyata memiliki sedikit kemiripan dengan konsep taruhan pada slot online terpercaya. Keduanya memiliki kesamaan dalam beberapa aspek, seperti yang akan dibahas pada artikel kali ini.

Tujuan Sistem Foreign Direct Investment, Serupa Dengan Taruhan Slot Online Terpercaya
Investor melakukan penanaman modal asing, dengan tujuan untuk bisa mendatangkan keuntungan bagi negaranya.

Penanaman modal dalam jangka panjang dari perusahaan luar negeri ini, dilakukan dengan melakukan seleksi dan melihat potensi dari perusahaan dalam negeri yang akan diberikan penanaman modal.

Pihak investor tentu tidak ingin penanaman modal yang telah dilakukan menjadi sia – sia karena keuntungannya tidak optimal, karen FDI harusnya menjadi langkah yang efektif dan efisien untuk mendapatkan keuntungan.

Negara berkembang bahkan sangat membutuhkan dan bergantung pada investasi asing untuk dapat meningkatkan perekonomian di wilayahnya, dengan mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang dimiliki negara tersebut.

Pihak investor yang kebanyakan negara maju, juga sangat membutuhkan kerjasan sama dengan negara berkembang dalam benttuk FDI tersebut. Oleh karena itu, adanya FDI ini sebenarnya sama – sama memiliki tujuan untuk mendatangkan keuntungan bagi kedua belah pihak.

Konsep dari tujuan FDI ini, ternyata juga serupa dengan tujuan dari taruhan slot secara online. Pemain slot memasang taruhan sebagai modal, untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dengan hasil yang lebih besar dari modal.

Foreign Direct Investment Ternyata Juga Memiliki Berbagai Cara, Seperti Taruhan Slot Online Terpercaya Yang Memiliki Berbagai Kiat Tertentu
Melakukan penanaman modal asing, harus dengan aturan yang benar dan sesuai. Pelaksanaan FDI dilakukan dengan membeli suatu perusahaan yang ada di negara lain.

Pihak investor akan memberikan dana untuk membangun perusahaan baru, di negara yang menjadi rekan penenaman modalnya tersebut.

Tidak hanya dengan memberikan modal untuk pembangunan, FDI juga bisa saja ditandai dengan adanya pembelian saham dari suatu perusahaan negara lain. Besarnya saham yang harus dibeli minimal harus sebesar 10%, baik itu pembelian oleh perusahaan ataupun individu.

Cara lainnya untuk melakukan FDI atau penanaman modal asing langsung, adalah dengan membeli tanah ataupun membangun konstruksi pabrik.

Sama halnya dengan FDI yang bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai pertimbangan cara, pemasangan taruhan slot secara online juga bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai trik untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar.

Foreign Direct Investment Dan Taruhan Slot Online Terpercaya, Sama – Sama Memiliki Manfaat
Penanaman modal asing atau FDI, memiliki manfaat besar seperti berikut ini :
1. Menjadi Sarana Penting Untuk Keuntungan Kedua Negara
Kedua negara yang terikat kontrak FDI, akan memiliki hubungan yang lebih stabil dan tahan lama. Terutama dalam lingkup perekonomian, sehingga hal ini dapat menjadi kunci integrasi ekonomi negara itu sendiri.
Sama halnya dengan judi slot, dimana pemain ataupun pihak pengelola situs slot sebenarnya sama – sama diuntungan dengan cara yang fair.

2. Membuka Celah Yang Lebih Dibidang Perdangangan
Adanya kerjasama antar 2 negara melalui FDI akan membuat ranah perdagangan dalam negeri dari keduanya, mempunyai kesempatan untuk merambah pasar internasional seiring dengan terbukanya celah menuju pasar asing.

Hal ini sejalan dengan adanya sistem bonus referral pada situs slot, dimana pemain bisa memasarkan link referralnya dan mendapat uang lebih dari bonus referral tersebut. Dari pemasaran link referral, pihak situs slot juga akan mendapatkan tambahan member.

FDI memiliki tujuan untuk meraih keuntungan, dengan mengadakan penanaman modal terhadap bisnis yang ada di lingkup ekonomi negara lain.

Ada banyak cara untuk menandai terjalinya FDI. Proses penanaman modal asing ini, memiliki manfaat yang besar bagi kedua negara yang terlibat.

Beragam konsep dari FDI ini ternyata memiliki kemiripan dengan tujuan hingga manfaat yang dimiliki oleh situs slot online terpercaya,baikbagi pemain ataupun pihak pengelola situsnya.

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10 Situs Live Streaming Bola Terpercaya, Terlengkap dan Terbaik 2022 Sun, 07 Aug 2022 02:06:32 +0000 10 Situs Live Streaming Bola Terpercaya, Terlengkap dan Terbaik 2022 – Para penggemar sepak bola tentu tidak ingin ketinggalan momen dalam menyaksikan semua pertandingan penting, terutama tim kesayangannya. Akan tetapi tidak semua stasiun televisi mampu …

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10 Situs Live Streaming Bola Terpercaya, Terlengkap dan Terbaik 2022 Para penggemar sepak bola tentu tidak ingin ketinggalan momen dalam menyaksikan semua pertandingan penting, terutama tim kesayangannya.

Akan tetapi tidak semua stasiun televisi mampu menampilkan tayangan tersebut secara langsung. Sehingga mereka merasa kesulitan dan tidak mendapatkan kepuasan seutuhnya.

Sebab cabang olahraga sepak bola tak hanya sekedar hobi, melainkan hasrat jika yang selalu bergejolak khususnya para laki.

Faktanya beberapa Liga top Eropa seperti Liga Primer, La Liga, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, Serie A dan lain – lain harus ditonton dengan cara berlangganan pada channel TV tertentu. Akan tetapi mereka masih bisa menonton berbagai laga di semua ajang kompetisi secara bebas mulai dari versi gratis hingga berbayar.

Sebab di bawah ini merupakan daftar situs live streaming bola terpercaya, terlengkap dan terbaik yang masih kuat hingga tahun ini, di antaranya :
1. BeIN Sports
BeIN Sports merupakan stasiun TV asal Qatar yang dimiliki oleh Nasser Al-Khelafi. Didirikan pada tahun 2012 silam, channel TV tersebut semakin maju dan berkembang pesat. Setelah beberapa tahun kemudian, pihaknya pun meluncurkan layanan online yang dapat diakses secara gratis atau berlangganan untuk mendapatkan tayangan paling lengkap hingga puas. Situs tersebut memiliki hak siar permanen terhadap Liga Italia dan Spanyol. Selebihnya para bola mania tinggal mengikuti jadwal pertandingan terbaru sesuai keinginan.

2. CricHD
Seakan – akan tak mau kalah dari BeIN Sports, CricHD merupakan situs layanan live streaming bola terpercaya, terlengkap dan terpercaya yang kini bisa dinikmati oleh semua pecinta sepak bola. Arif Mahmood terbilang sukses mendirikan situs tersebut lantaran tak hanya menyajikan siaran langsung pada cabang olahraga sepak bola, melainkan beberapa permainan lain seperti bola basket, kriket, voli ball dan lain sebagainya. Website tersebut tetap aman saat digunakan karena memiliki sertifikat resmi dan hak siar dari berbagai pertandingan resmi.

3. Live Soccer TV
LiveScore TV bukan merupakan channel televisi seperti pada umumnya. Situs live streaming bola ini sudah muncul beberapa tahun silam dan sukses menjarah berbagai penggemar bola khususnya Tanah Air. Kualitas tayangan yang diberikan bisa dipilih secara bebas dan pastinya anti Buffering yang berkepanjangan. Nantinya para penonton pun tidak perlu menggunakan Virtual Proxy Network (VPN) saat menikmatinya. Sebab situs tersebut juga memiliki legalitas asli dan terpercaya dengan penyedia tayangan olahraga secara langsung.

Situs yang berikutnya yaitu MAMAHD, diketahui bahwa layanan pertandingan olahraga ini sangat tajam dan akurat dalam menyajikan semua pertandingan dari berbagai Liga mana pun. Jadi para penggemar tidak perlu mencatat jadwal pertandingan yang ingin ditonton, sebab pihak situs telah menampilkan beberapa jadwal ke depan untuk memberikan kenyamanan terbaik. Lagipula mereka tidak perlu berlangganan untuk bisa memilah – milih beberapa laga yang siap dijadikan teman ngopi saat malam tiba.

5. MolaTV
Di awal tahun 2019 telah menjadi bukti atas kesuksesan Mola TV. Dimana stasiun televisi ini sukses menjarah Liga top Eropa salah satunya English Premier League. Dan terbaru MolaTV hadir dalam jangkauan Website yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua kaum Adam dan Hawa untuk menikmati tayangan sepak bola secara langsung. Di sisi lain, situs tersebut tak hanya unggul dalam pentas sepak bola, akan tetapi telah banyak tayangan lain yang disajikan mulai dari Hollywood, TV Series, dokumenter dan lain – lain.

6. MyCujoo
MyCujoo juga hadir sebagai salah satu layanan live streaming sepak bola terlengkap yang mampu memberikan jangkauan berharga terhadap semua fans seluruh dunia. Menariknya situs tersebut menyediakan berbagai macam resolusi berdasarkan kecepatan internet yang digunakan. Jadi mereka tinggal menentukan mana kualitas yang layak dipilih untuk merasakan sensasi nonton bola tanpa batas. Selain itu situ ini pula menyajikan data dan fakta di setiap pertandingan secara akurat dan tajam.

7. NobarTV
Walau sempat mengundang sejumlah kontroversi, namun NobarTV tetap menjadi pilihan utama warga Tanah Air untuk melihat serunya pertandingan bola secara langsung via live streaming. Sebab situs tersebut memiliki beragam bahasa untuk memberikan kemudahan akses mulai dari bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, Mandarin, Spanyol dan bahasa lainnya. Terdapat pilihan server untuk memberikan kenyamanan dalam tontonan. Lebih dari itu, mereka pun memberikan layanan streaming via Facebook agar tetap terhubung dengan banyak teman dalam satu waktu.

8. SportLemon
Situs nonton bola secara live streaming selanjutnya yaitu SportLemon. Ini merupakan situs yang sangat mampu menghadirkan kajian sepak bola terlengkap di dunia. Jika penonton bosan, mereka pun bisa beralih channel untuk menonton olahraga lain seraya menunggu jadwal tim kesayangannya bertanding.

9. Sky Sports
Publik sepak bola dunia pun tahu Sky Sports. Yah, situs ini merupakan layanan sepak bola terbaik mulai dari berita, prediksi hingga live streaming. Namun situs tersebut lebih menjuru pada Liga – Liga terbaik saja berupa Liga Eropa. Walau begitu, Sky Sports juga mampu menyediakan kompetisi akbar mulai dari Copa America, FIFA World Cup, EURO dan lain sebagainya.

10. Vidio
Dan Vidio merupakan situs live streaming sepak bola terbaik tahun ini. Menariknya semua cabang olahraga sudah termasuk di dalamnya untuk memberikan kajian yang lebih seru dan mengesankan. Para penggemar yang terlewatkan pertandingan penting pun bisa melihat ulasannya secara bebas. Baiknya lagi situs ini telah memblokir semua iklan apa pun untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan kemudahan tontonan terhadap semua pecinta bola.

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Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment for Individuals during Pandemic Thu, 04 Feb 2021 05:35:16 +0000 Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment for Individuals during Pandemic – Foreign Direct Investment or FDI allows individuals or companies to expand their wings to other countries. This kind of investment is quite popular nowadays and …

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Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment for Individuals during Pandemic – Foreign Direct Investment or FDI allows individuals or companies to expand their wings to other countries. This kind of investment is quite popular nowadays and lots of people consider trying this investment at least once. Don’t worry, individuals can have great benefits from FDI, especially during the pandemic. Read the information below.

1. Building Career
FDI will allow you to work with others, not only by yourself. Meaning that you will meet lots of people that might have different educational backgrounds than you. You can make new friends along the way and it will be a great chance for you to build your career. It might be a little scary for the first time because you don’t know anything about the people you meet, but once you have stepped out from your comfort zone, you can advance your career well. You might be isolated at home now, but through FDI, you can still get to know new people to help you invest.

2. Expanding Knowledge
Not only do you get to know new people to help you build your career, but FDI is also a great place to learn lots of new things you might not have been familiar with at first. To get to the investment, you are forced to learn a lot about the company or anything about the investment. But, you can also learn a lot from the people you meet about anything so that you can know more about different fields outside your world.

3. Offering Financial Stability
The best thing about FDI is that you can have long-term financial stability because the company you are investing at is still growing over time. Although the profit can be lower, most of the time you can have more profit from the company. Meaning that you will have additional savings for your future. Especially because now you don’t really receive full payment because of the pandemic.

4. Lowering Business Risk
The risk of playing Sportsbook in can be higher, but this FDI can help you get a lower risk of investment. It will apply when you choose a good country to invest in and you will not suffer from the loss.

Some people believe that this investment can bring a great loss for individuals, but it only applies if you choose the wrong investment to have. But overall, this investment can help you to get long-term financial stability as well as building your career and knowledge.

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A Short Explanation of Foreign Direct investment – Things You Need to Know Wed, 03 Feb 2021 09:29:36 +0000 A Short Explanation of Foreign Direct investment – Things You Need to Know – Do you ever hear about the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? It is a kind of investment that is made by the …

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A Short Explanation of Foreign Direct investment – Things You Need to Know – Do you ever hear about the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? It is a kind of investment that is made by the firm or individual. The investment is made in one specific country. However, the business interest will be located in another country. Some people think that FDI is almost similar to portfolio investment. However, in reality, the FDI is different with the portfolio investment. FDI involves the establishment of foreign business operations in a foreign company. Meanwhile, the portfolio investment happens when the investor can but some interests in the foreign company that has been built for such a long time.

Before deciding to participate in the FDI, you may need to consider several things. First, the ways of FDI. This investment can be made in different ways. For example, a merger of a foreign company. Another example is the new opening of the new branch from a foreign company. In this case, you can establish a new associate company in the interested country. FDI also can be made into the acquirement of a well-established foreign company. According to the guideline of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a firm or individual needs to consider the amount of the threshold. Normally, the minimum threshold is about 10% of all ownership. However, considering the flexibility of the company, it is suggested to take less than 10% of the threshold.

Generally, Foreign Direct Investment can be divided into three types that are Horizontal FDI, Platform FDI, and Vertical FDI. The horizontal FDI means that the firm or individual will open a foreign company with the same type of business in the home country. Meanwhile, vertical investment means that the company will develop a different business operation in a foreign country. However, the business operation still has some correlation with the business operation in the home country. Since the business operation can be made into an upstream or downstream plot, it is called the vertical FDI. Another type of FDI is Platform FDI. This type will involve the direct investment of the company in the home country to a foreign country. The investment has a goal to export the product in the third country.

Foreign Direct Investment uses some different methods in the practical. The first one is the firm will incorporate the new company or associate company. Meanwhile, the second method is about sharing the threshold in the associate company. The third method is the merger process of the other enterprises that don’t have anything to do with the company. The fourth method is the merger process of the same or correlated enterprises. The FDI also can be differentiated into some different forms. A company can have several forms of FDI agreements. The forms of FDI are tax holidays, preferential tariffs, low corporate tax, individual income tax rate, special economic Zone, bonded warehouses, financial subsidies, Export Processing Zones (EPZ), land subsidies, free land, energy, relocation, expatriation, infrastructure subsidies, and others.

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Reasons Why Foreign Direct Investment Will Carry On During Pandemic Fri, 02 Oct 2020 08:50:04 +0000 Reasons Why Foreign Direct Investment Will Carry On During Pandemic – Global pandemic stops most business, not only within a country but also the international ones. Thus, the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) is …

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Reasons Why Foreign Direct Investment Will Carry On During Pandemic – Global pandemic stops most business, not only within a country but also the international ones. Thus, the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) is also slowing down. Latest report shows that the FDI is expected to contract up to 40% within this year only. Does it mean that the investors will stop their FDI? No, they are not. There are several considerations for this decision.
– An Alternative For China
Aside from the pandemic, big investors have several other considerations to contribute their funds. The most recent issue was the disputes with China as the biggest suppliers for mega companies in the world. A number of investors are now looking for alternatives to produce their required items. Some of the best candidates are Indonesia, Vietnam and India.
This relocation is an important decision that could not wait, just like how the players place their bet in online casino sites like. US factories are in the process of moving 27 of its factories to Indonesia. Nevertheless, FDI investors demand for transparent system and clear target. The country that could fit the criteria would be more likely to have flow of FDI.

– An Investment in Unique Goals
Not all of the investors have disputes with China, especially those who sign contract with European companies. Just like the other business, things are slowing down. However, a light of hope could be seen among companies with unique proposition.

Some of them are Newcastle United, the soccer club and Sunderland car plant company which recently had support from Nissan, Japan. Both deals are made during the pandemic. All parties hope that the cooperation will bring positive results and meet the targets within five years.

– A Development of Green Technology
The pandemic puts the brake and set different goals for business. Lately, green technology gains high interest more than ever. During the isolation, people started to realize that health is very important and put interests on this issue. This pattern also applies to FDI investors, which start looking for green company profiles..

In the middle of the economy crisis, green energy company is looking for more employees as they are sponsored to do a lot of projects. This is a positive start in addition to last news about the job vacancies in health department.

The investment sector is terribly affected by the pandemic, but it doesn’t mean that investors stop their support. Now, many of strong contenders are looking for new places to replace China’s companies. In addition, the pandemic has shifted the focus of industry to green company and some other unique-oriented business.

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Things You Should Know About Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia Fri, 02 Oct 2020 08:19:17 +0000 Things You Should Know About Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia – In the economic world, the term Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is common. This kind of investment can be done by a firm or …

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Things You Should Know About Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia – In the economic world, the term Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is common. This kind of investment can be done by a firm or individual. The main purpose of FDI is to establish a new company in a foreign country. Therefore, the investor should be active in the process of establishment of the company. Some people may have a misconception about FDI and portfolio investment. FDI requires the active role of the investor to build the subsidiary or associate company in a foreign country. However, the portfolio investment will focus on the investment from the investor in a well-established company.

FDI can give a lot of benefits through the business company and host or destination country. The benefits of the FDI for business operations are market diversification, lower labor costs, tax incentives, subsidies, and preferential tariffs. Meanwhile, the benefits of FDI for the host country are economic stimulation, an increase in employment, development of human capital, and access for learning the technology, skills, and other expertise. The FDI can be differentiated into three types that are vertical FDI, horizontal FDI, and platform FDI.

One of the most important things in FDI is the presence of the host country. Some countries are selected since those countries have some goods potential to be used as the host country. One of them is Indonesia. This country is located in South East Asia. The location of Indonesia is close to Australia, some southeast Asia Countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippine. So, Indonesia is simply located in a strategic location. In addition, this country has a large population and becomes the 4th country with the biggest population. These conditions lead to some strong points to invest in using FDI in Indonesia.

One of the strong points of FDI in Indonesia is a great potential market due to the large population. Indonesia has more than 260 million people. This condition will give more benefits to the company since there will be a lot of potential consumers. Another strong point is the huge amount of natural resources. Indonesia is a country that is given by a huge amount of oil, metals, natural gas, and other natural resources. It will be a great potential since the company can look for raw materials easily. Moreover, Indonesia is also well known as the country with high biodiversity that will be more beneficial for the company. Indonesia also has a high domestic demand with a favorable economic environment. This condition will lead to big demand from the consumer and gives more profits to the company.

However, just like other countries, there are some weak points of FDI in Indonesia. The first one is the legal framework, economic framework, custom administration, and others are quite less effective in Indonesia. In addition, there are many sectors in government and private communities that are corruptive so that it will make the investor think twice for doing FDI in Indonesia. On the other hand, the infrastructure of Indonesia is still lack that leads to the injustice of the economic sector.

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An Outline of Foreign Direct Investment Thu, 30 Apr 2020 07:39:09 +0000 An Outline of Foreign Direct Investment – Some of you might be familiar with FDI or Foreign Direct Investment, while another might new to these words. The growth of the economic and social politic of …

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An Outline of Foreign Direct Investment – Some of you might be familiar with FDI or Foreign Direct Investment, while another might new to these words. The growth of the economic and social politic of a country can affect the direct investment in that area. If you are wondering what is meant by Foreign Direct Investment, you can check out the brief outline of this type of direct investment and the types of FDI below.

– The Brief Explanation
FDI stands for Foreign Direct Investment. It occurs when an investor who lives in a country’s interest in investing in another country through a company which is similar to online gambling games where you can invest your money through bet wherever you are. It means you can be an investor who invests your money in another foreign country although you’re not living there. At a glance, people see Foreign Direct Investment has the same idea with foreign portfolio investment. However, these kinds of investments are quite different.

Foreign portfolio investment can be defined as the agglomeration of stocks and bonds done by investors or financial experts. Many elements formed the Foreign Direct Investment, such as a merger, reinvesting, management interest and more, which is more complex and that requires skill to read the market. There are many elements needed to build successful Foreign Direct Investment.

An investor said to make a direct investment in a foreign company if he or she owns 10 percent or more of the business. Otherwise, the investor only said to own a stock portfolio investment. Having 10 percent or more of the enterprise cannot make the investor control the company fully. The investor has the authority to take part in the management, policies, and operation of the business.

– The Importance of FDI to a Country
Foreign Direct Investment or FDI can boost the economic growth of a country. It means this foreign investment can give benefits to both parties, which are the investor itself and the targeted country. The investment itself can develop and emerge in the market. The company itself needs support in financial and marketing to make the products and companies worldwide.

Some countries in the world have applied Foreign Direct Investment in their countries and succeed in developing economic growth and the income per capita of the country to a significant level. The support of the government and stable economic growth take an important role in making investment success.

FDI or Foreign Direct Investment happens when an investor who lives in a country interests in investing in another country through a company. An investor said to make a direct investment in a foreign company if he or she owns 10 percent or more of the business. Foreign Direct Investment or FDI can boost the economic growth of a country.

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The Types of Investment in Foreign Direct Investment Wed, 01 Apr 2020 06:04:39 +0000 The Types of Investment inForeign Direct Investment – Foreign Direct Investment is widely practiced in several countries and some investors are getting curious about this kind of direct investment. If you are interested in having …

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The Types of Investment inForeign Direct Investment – Foreign Direct Investment is widely practiced in several countries and some investors are getting curious about this kind of direct investment. If you are interested in having Foreign Direct Investment for yourself, you should know what is meant by FDI itself and the types of this investment. Here are the Foreign Direct Investment’s types that you should know.

Type 1: Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment

The first type of Foreign Direct Investment is horizontal FDI. This type considers as the most used type of direct investment by investors who do the Foreign Direct Investment. The investor will invest in the company with the same interest in product or service which is owned by the investor. This investment attracts many people attention, just as many as people get interested to play online slot.

This particular investment aims to make the company stronger in the market. This can be used as a good strategy to make the competition less competitive in the global market. Usually, the investor within the type of horizontal FDI has the same or similar industry with the company where he/she invest to, for example, a motorcycle company in Indonesia invests in a motorcycle company in India.

Type 2: Vertical Foreign Direct Investment

This investment aims to make more rates to the chain. In this direct investment, the investor merges with another business in another country with the purpose to give more growth to the business. As the example would be a company invests in another company abroad so that they can have a supplier for the basic materials of their products.

The vertical foreign direct investment is classified into more types. They are forward vertical and backward vertical foreign direct investment. The forward vertical Foreign Direct Investments can be defined as the investment which can bring the product to the customers, for example, is the electronic manufacturing in Indonesia invests in the electronic wholesale company in India.

Investment in Foreign Direct Investment

On the other hand, backward vertical foreign direct investment can be defined as the type of investment where the investor invests in the company in a foreign country which takes the sourcing sector of the current product owned by the investor’s company. In this backward vertical foreign direct investment, we can take the example for the motorcycle manufacturing in Indonesia invests to the tire company in India.

In general, there are two types of Foreign Direct Investment or FDI. They are a horizontal direct investment and vertical direct investment. For further, the vertical foreign direct investment is classified into two types, they are forward vertical and backward vertical foreign direct investment.

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Understanding Foreign Direct Investment for Economic Growth Wed, 01 Apr 2020 06:00:02 +0000 Understanding Foreign Direct Investment for Economic Growth – Companies open a new branch or factory in a new place, even country or continent. They invest capital, money, technology, human resources, and support to ensure a …

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Understanding Foreign Direct Investment for Economic Growth – Companies open a new branch or factory in a new place, even country or continent. They invest capital, money, technology, human resources, and support to ensure a business will work as it supposed to be. Investing in a different country is not an easy task because they must follow regulation and law. In simple terms, this type of investment is commonly called as FDI or foreign direct investment. This is no longer a small transaction or purchase between one company and another. On the contrary, this investment will make country, government, and companies to be in similar interest.

Foreign direct investment is the form of investment that a company or business entity does in a country that different from its origin. For example, a company is based on Germany and invests in France. This type of investment is not just sending money because the company also involves in direct business. New stores and braches are the simplest examples of FDI. In a real situation, FDI has many forms not just selling products at the store. On the contrary, merger and acquisition are other methods that most companies consider when deciding to invest without much problem. Opening a new business in a different country takes time with high risk and spending unnecessary capital.

Instead of similar business entities, companies choose a merger or just buying stock from the partner. A joint venture is another of FDI because two companies do business together as one entity. Both have the same goals and purposes regardless of background because an agreement for a joint venture must be valid. One company is from foreign and the rest is local. Therefore, both have control and resource to do business.

Foreign direct investment is different from an investment that only happens in the stock market and exchange. When investors or companies from foreign countries buy stocks, they only have a portion of capital but not part of management. This type of investment is mostly called foreign portfolio investment. Buying stocks does not mean they have control over the company because the market has a limitation. On the contrary, direct investment makes the company has a high level of control including voting. Each country has different regulations regarding how much percentage that foreign company and business entity can have. As long as investors have voting and involve in business operations, this investment is definitely FDI.

From this point, a simple way to identify FDI is from how much control investors have and the level of support regarding business operation. More control means the company must support with resources and technology. People must know that information part before go further exploring foreign direct investment.

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